I've pretty much finished with all the major building work and now have a rather nice area of 'gallery' space spread over two floors, three entrances, a
teleport between floors and an upstairs outside seating area (currently sans seats!).
I originally built a third floor, but hit my
parcel prim limit (essentially I'd used all my available building blocks). So I removed the third floor and have decided to stick at two. To be honest, the building looks much better balanced at two floors rather than three.
The prim limit took me slightly by surprise - I hadn't done my homework properly. But I suppose it helps to keep the money rolling in to Linden Labs.
So with the basic space finished, I now need to populate it with exhibits - the lack of
prims might be a limiting factor here I guess. My current plan is to use the downstairs area for stuff that I develop - though I'm open to offers - and the upstairs area for exhibitions of other people's work. I'm planning on making each exhibition last three or four weeks. News about the first exhibition will follow in the next post.
Well see how things work out...